PanelClaw is proud to have been chosen to provide the mounting systems and technical support for making a large part of Biltema’s 160 warehouses and stores more sustainable. Biltema, a chain of retail stores in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, wanted to secure access to energy and also reduce their environmental impact. In addition to supplying their warehouses and stores, they also expect to sell back surplus in the summer months and contribute to more renewable energy on the market.
Swedish installation companies Elmyra El, Tele & Datainstallationer AB and Solcells Montörer 11 AB were selected for the installation. The target is the installation of 1 million square meters of solar panels.Up to now (March ’24) 35MW has been installed on various Biltema roofs, another 140 MW to go… Each week 4 to 5 warehouses are installed.
Below an impression of the installation at various locations: