VDL installs 2166 panels with Wave at MCB
In the summer of 2022, VDL Services from Hapert installed more than 2000 panels with the Wave system on the new MCB hall in Valkenswaard. MCB has been producing and supplying semi-finished products (rolls of zinc magnesium steel) to Esdec’s subcontractors since the early years of Esdec, and now PanelClaw.
Given the good business relationship, it was obvious for MCB to build up the investment of the PV system with a mounting system from Esdec/PanelClaw. And the choice fell on Wave, the ideal system for large-scale projects where longer panels are clamped on the long side for maximum support.
With branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany (about 1000 employees in total), MCB trades in metals, including steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper and brass. An important partner for companies like PanelClaw: after all, the right materials must be delivered at the right time and place.
MCB helps its customers to become more sustainable by thinking along in creative solutions and advising on the application and processing of their products. They have a clear vision in terms of their own sustainability: “We have ambitious plans; we want to reduce CO₂ by 50% by 2030 compared to 2020. 10% of this has already been achieved and we have made a number of important choices to achieve this goal. For example, we completely cover the roof of our new hall with solar panels. In this way we can generate 100% of our electricity consumption ourselves,” says Serge Timmermans, CCO at MCB Group.
Expandable assembled base units
Base units are easy to click together
Stabilizers ensure the rigidity of the system
Due to the rigidity of the system, fields up to 40 by 40 meters can be easily laid.
VDL Services installers install the panels.
Easy and safe mounting of the panel with a unique patented clamping mechanism. No screws required
Here you can see how the panel is screwless clamped in the high base.
In this configuration, each panel is supported by 2 base units. Extremely suitable for longer solar panels
Wave meets the strictest international standards and comes with a 20-year warranty.